8000 North Ocean Drive Dania Beach, FL, USA, 33004


Data Manager Matt Johnston Attends Annual GRIIDC Conference in Austin

Dr. Matt Johnston, data manager for the DEEPEND Consortium, attend the annual data manager conference in Austin, TX August 31st - September 2nd. 

2016 GoMRI Conference

The annual Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference will be held in Tampa, Florida February 1-4, 2016 and will be attended by all DEEPEND PI's and many consortium members.  A list of talks given by DEEPEND member cans be found here and the event schedule for the conference can be found here

DEEPEND Data Management presented at the OceanTeacher Global Academy conference

Dr. Matthew Johnston gave a seminar on DEEPEND data management and visualization at the OceanTeacher Global Academy hosted by Nova Southeastern University on November 19th, 2015. 

GIGA Conference in Munich, Germany

Professor Jose Lopez, co-founder of the Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA.Nova.edu), will attend and introduce its second workshop in Munich Germany, March 22-24, 2015.