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17th DSBS Hong Kong DEEPEND team
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Deep Sea Biology Symposium, Hong Kong, SAR China, January 12-17, 2026

Ten members of the DEEPEND team just returned from the 17th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium in Hong Kong, SAR China. The symposium is put on by the Deep-Sea Biology Society (DSBS). Tammy Frank (NSU) presented an invited talk on vision and bioluminescence in the Sensory Biology session. Tracey Sutton (NSU) presented results from the northern Gulf of

Mexico related to DEEPEND and Deep Sea Benefits projects. April Cook (NSU) presented her results looking at deep-pelagic fishes collected with multiple gear types. Heather Judkins (USF) presented on her ongoing work related to cephalopod diets and Heather Bracken-Grissom presented on her latest work with crustaceans.  Isabel Romero (USC) presented on her DEEPEND contaminant project. FIU postdocs Pedro Peres and Danielle DeLeo as well as PhD student, Stormie Collins, also presented talks or posters that were well received.  Tammy, April, and Tracey were among 12 “scientist mentors” during the conference’s Student Mixer.  Heather J. was elected the Awards Officer for the DSBS for the next three years. It was a great scientific conference highlighting deep-sea research happening around the world. Many collaborations, ideas, and networking happened during the week. DEEPEND research was prominently on display and our members did a fabulous job representing us!