What do we do when a storm heads our way?
What do we do when a storm heads our way? We head east!
We have arrived to our next super station, Desoto Canyon, and are currently conducting acoustic transects before we do our next MOCNESS tows. We have gotten word that due to the deteriorating weather conditions, we will not be dropping nets in the water today and after the acoustic transects are completed (later tonight), we will be tucking into Pensacola, FL for a night or two to let the weather pass before we head back out here.
Photos: View from galley porthole; Kevin working with his acoustic data
If you think we are bored with no nets to sort, the answer is.... we aren't! We have plenty of data entry to complete, students are using the time to work on their projects which includes reading scientific articles, statistical analysis and 3D modeling. Some of us have even found some time for working out!
Photo: Part of the DEEPEND team working in the lounge
So, we are safe and sound, well-fed (it was Taco Tuesday today for lunch) and continuing to work away!