Journey through DeepEnd

The DeepEnd experience through the eyes of a grad student. This will be a collection of science updates-either dealing with my own progress or news from other team members-as well as summaries of outreach activities I get to experience!

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Teacher Workshop at NSU

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Well, there you have it folks, another workshop in the books.  On Saturday February 20, 2016, the DeepEnd crew hosted a diverse group of educators for the Teacher Workshop at the Oceanographic Campus of NOVA Southeastern University.  This year we had 16 participants, ranging from first year teachers to seasoned veterans.  The day started with introductions from members of DeepEnd and a fun game of Get-2-Know BINGO!  A short pretest was all that was standing in the way of activities and deep-sea knowledge!


Teachers were given a flash drive loaded with tons of deep-sea information and fun labs they can incorporate into their lessons.  The rest of the day was centered around demonstrating and participating  in some of these labs.  As every class is different the teachers always had helpful hints and tips to improve or tweak the lab to fit a specific curriculum. 




The workshop focuses on how to bring deep-sea research into the class room, and what would a deep-sea workshop be without some show and tell!!  These teachers were able to see a variety of deep sea critters, most of which many people don’t even know exist!!!  Challenges of the deep ocean and special adaptations were discussed to give the educators a better background when they cover oceanic environments in class.


  As Saturday afternoon turned to early evening we wrapped up the workshop.  A day filled with interactive labs and deep-sea facts was coming to an end.  The post test was handed out and applications to Teacher at Sea were distributed.  Who would have thought that spending a Saturday with a bunch of teachers would be so fun!! We hope the information gained on this day helps them continue doing an amazing job both inside and outside the classroom!  




Thank you teachers for joining us!


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I am pursuing my Master’s degree at Nova Southeastern University where I am working with Dr. Tracey Sutton in the Oceanic Ecology Lab. I received my B.S. from The University of Tampa in Biology and Marine Science. I am interested in understanding the structure of marine ecosystems and how the biotic and abiotic processes shape these communities. I am particularly attracted to food web ecology and trophic linkages of an ecosystem. For the DEEPEND project I will be examining food web dynamics of key species from the bathypelagic realm.


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